| AUER Léopold Violin playing as I teach it
15.60 €
 | SATIE Erik Gymnopedies, gnossiennes and other works piano 34.75 €
 | LOMAX Elyse Our singing country: Folk songs & ballads piano chant 32.70 €
 | LEHMANN Lilli How to sing livre 15.68 €
 | DIVERS AUTEURS Songs of the great American West voc,po,git 39.24 €
 | DIVERS AUTEURS Songs of the civil war voc,po,git 62.80 €
 | BRUCKNER Anton Symphonies n°6 et 8 orchestre 47.09 €
 | DIVERS AUTEURS Popular Music Illustrations
9.60 €
 | Orenstein Ravel - Man and Musician livre 39.24 €
 | RAVEL Maurice 4 Orchestral Works orchestre symphonique 34.75 €
 | BREE Malwine Leschetizky method
20.76 €
 | HOROWITZ Joseph Arrau on music & performance piano 25.24 €
 | JEPPESEN Knud Counterpoint
31.39 €
 | JEANS Sir James Science and music
23.54 €
 | DIVERS AUTEURS French song from Berlioz to Duparc
23.54 €
 | TOCH Ernst Shaping forces in music théorie 23.54 €
 | DIVERS AUTEURS Jewish Music
31.39 €
 | SCHENKER Heinrich 5 graphic music analyses analyse 23.54 €
 | LEHMANN Lotte More than singing - The interpretation of songs
23.54 €
 | Allen/Ware/Garrison Slave Songs Of The United States voc,po 19.20 €