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Disponible sous quelques jours
Prix: 50.55 €
| | GAISWINKLER OtmarOtmar's daily routine for trombonePartition
Primverlag - 104104 Cuivres
OTMAR'S WARM-UP EXERCISES for Trombone: 23 Warm-Up Exercises With exercises for lip buzzing, mouthpiece buzzing and exercises with the instrument. In this book Univ.-Prof. Otmar Gaiswinkler has compiled exercises that he has been doing every day for many years. Schwierigkeitsgrad: von Anfänger bis Profi
OTMAR'S BASIC EXERCISES for Trombone: Each exercise begins relatively simply and is played as far as the individual approach allows. also suitable for young students
9 Übungen | 9 Exercises:
HORST Intervallschere | Ascending Intervals NEPOMUK Naturtöne | Natural Tones BELINDA Tonleitern | Scales JOE Quint, Sext & Septim | Fifth, Sixth & Seventh ADAM Halbe Intervallschere | Half Ascending Intervals IDA Tal- und Bergfahrt | Descent & Ascent MIMI Singen in allen Lagen | Singing in all Ranges BALTHASAR Dreiklänge | Triads IGNAZ Intervalle mit Naturtönen | Intervals with Natural Tones
Fiche mise à jour le 03/11/2024
Une sélection des meilleures ventes pour trombone, éditées chez Primverlag
| GAISWINKLER Otmar Otmar's warm-up exercises for trombone trombone 24.90 €
| | GAISWINKLER Otmar Otmar's basic exercises for trombone trombone 33.65 €
| | Du même compositeur et avec la même instrumentation...
| GAISWINKLER Otmar Otmar's warm-up exercises for trombone trombone 24.90 €
| | GAISWINKLER Otmar Otmar's basic exercises for trombone trombone 33.65 €