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Librairie Musicale
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Prix: 67.20 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe


Ballet Héroïque Livret de Louis Cahuzac

Arrangé par Saint-Yves, François

Opéra / opérette
Piano chant complet

Barenreiter   -  BA8856 90

“Zaïs” was Rameau’s first opera which was entirely devoted to “la féerie”, the enchanted world of myth from the Middle East with its spirits and fantastic creatures. It was first performed on 29 February 1748 at the Paris Opera and was much praised for its expressive power, elegance and variety of its music as well as for the charm of its ballet. Although the libretto by Louis de Cahusac was criticised, the delightful work proved very popular: it was revived in 1761 and 1769 and for more than two decades received over 100 performances.
Like most of Rameau’s operas, “Zaïs” was extensively revised during the composer’s lifetime and afterwards. Revisions already began during the first rehearsals and continued until the first performance. The composer and the librettist Cahusac finally used the Easter period in 1748 to work on those revisions; as well as structural changes and musical substitutions, these included some substantial additions to vocal and instrumental movements. The version which was performed after Easter is more convincing, both musically and dramatically.
In contrast, the revivals of 1761 and 1769 – the first after Cahusac’s death, the second after Rameau’s – contained drastic cuts including the entire prologue.

For the new volume in the “Opera Omnia Rameau” the version from Easter 1748 has been chosen as the primary source. For performances, a choice can be made between this and the original version; a series of insertions links all the passages with another.

Fiche mise à jour le 20.08.2024
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Orphée et Euridice - Version Parisienne 1774 - (pour ténor)
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HAENDEL Georg Friedrich
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mezzo ou alto, et piano
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MOZART Wolfgang Amadeus
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HAYDN Joseph
Lo speziale - Hob.XXVIII:3
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HAYDN Joseph
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HAYDN Joseph
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56.65 €

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Il barbiere di Siviglia - broché
piano chant complet
55.80 €

HAENDEL Georg Friedrich
Rodrigo Hwv5
piano chant complet
54.54 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
Les Indes galantes
piano chant complet
72.00 €

MOZART Wolfgang Amadeus
Idomeneo - KV366 - POCHE
voix, chœur mixte et orchestre symphonique
60.38 €

HAENDEL Georg Friedrich
Lotario HWV26
piano chant complet
59.38 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
solistes, choeur et orchestre
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Dido and Aeneas
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RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
Daphnis et Églé - piano chant
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RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
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RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
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RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
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piano chant complet
71.95 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
Achante et Céphise - clavier chant
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44.70 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
piano chant complet
54.60 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
voix soliste, choeur mixte et piano
74.69 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
piano chant complet
59.10 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
piano chant complet
64.80 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
Hippolyte et Aricie
piano chant complet
67.20 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
piano chant complet
87.10 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
Les Indes galantes
piano chant complet
72.00 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
Daphnis et Églé - piano chant
piano chant complet
23.99 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
Les fêtes de l'Hymen et de l'Amour
piano chant complet
62.48 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
Les Paladins
piano chant complet
64.80 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
piano chant complet
90.00 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
piano chant complet
29.85 €

RAMEAU Jean-Philippe
lo RCT 45 - acte de ballet
piano chant
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